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3 přestup

  • Tyto questy se dělají na level 76. Jakmile je dokončíš, můžeš okamžitě přejít na 3rd class.


Human - 3rd Class Changes

2nd Class Name 3rd Class Name 3rd Class Change Quest (Level 76)
Warlord Dreadnought Succession to the Legend, Dreadnought
Gladiator Duelist Succession to the Legend, Duelist
Paladin Phoenix Knight Succession to the Legend, Phoenix Knight
Dark Avenger Hell Knight Succession to the Legend, Hell Knight
Treasure Hunter Adventurer Succession to the Legend, Adventurer
Hawkeye Sagittarius Succession to the Legend, Sagittarius
Sorcerer Archmage Succession to the Legend, Archmage
Necromancer Soultaker Succession to the Legend, Soultaker
Warlock Arcana Lord Succession to the Legend, Arcana Lord
Bishop Cardinal Succession to the Legend, Cardinal
Prophet Hierophant Succession to the Legend, Hierophant

Elf - 3rd Class Changes

2nd Class Name 3rd Class Name 3rd Class Change Quest (Level 76)
Temple Knight Eva's Templar Succession to the Legend, Eva's Templar
Sword Singer Sword Muse Succession to the Legend, Sword Muse
Plains Walker Wind Rider Succession to the Legend, Wind Rider
Silver Ranger Moonlight Sentinel Succession to the Legend, Moonlight Sentinel
Spellsinger Mystic Muse Succession to the Legend, Mystic Muse
Elemental Summoner Elemental Master Succession to the Legend, Elemental Master
Elven Elder Eva's Saint Succession to the Legend, Eva's Saint

Dark Elf - 3rd Class Changes

2nd Class Name 3rd Class Name 3rd Class Change Quest (Level 76)
Shillien Knight Shillien Templar Succession to the Legend, Shillien Templar
Bladedancer Spectral Dancer Succession to the Legend, Spectral Dancer
Abyss Walker Ghost Hunter Succession to the Legend, Ghost Hunter
Phantom Ranger Ghost Sentinel Succession to the Legend, Ghost Sentinel
Spellhowler Storm Screamer Succession to the Legend, Storm Screamer
Phantom Summoner Spectral Master Succession to the Legend, Spectral Master
Shillien Elder Shillien Saint Succession to the Legend, Shillien Saint

Orc - 3rd Class Changes

2nd Class Name 3rd Class Name 3rd Class Change Quest (Level 76)
Destroyer Titan Succession to the Legend, Titan
Tyrant Grand Khavatari Succession to the Legend, Grand Khavatari
Overlord Dominator Succession to the Legend, Dominator
Warcryer Doom Cryer Succession to the Legend, Doom Cryer

Dwarves- 3rd Class Changes

2nd Class Name 3rd Class Name 3rd Class Change Quest (Level 76)
Bounty Hunter Fortune seeker Succession to the Legend, Fortune seeker
Warsmith Maestro Succession to the Legend, Maestro

Kamael - 3rd Class Changes

2nd Class Name 3rd Class Name 3rd Class Change Quest (Level 76)
Berserker Doombringer Saga of the Doombringer
Soul Breaker
Soul Hound
Saga of the Soul Hound
Saga of the Trickster
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